Welcome to Fig! 

Here lies poetry to touch the soul and commentary to stimulate the mind. 

In Renaissance art, a fig leaf was commonly used to cover the private portions of a person's body. From this phenomenon we get our modern metaphor. When an individual is engaged in improper activity, their cover for the activity is referred to as a fig leaf. For example, an individual engaged in money laundering, uses a shell corporation as a fig leaf for their illicit activities. 

In the Bible, Matthew 21:18-22, Jesus curses a barren fig tree. The implications of this event are that those who claim belief in Christ, but do not act accordingly will not bear the fruit of Christ. In other words, hypocrites will be found out and will not bring long term gain to the church. 

Fig’s goal is to use poetry and commentary to remove the fig leaf from our lives, our religion, our culture, and our politics. The aim is to make ourselves feel something, while encouraging the mind to think in different ways. 

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Culture. Religion. Politics.


Poetry. Culture. Religion. Politics.